The Musical Brochure

The Musical Brochure Volume 7
Add me on Myspace download coming soon...

Artists- Song Titles The Musical Brochure Volume 7 Playlist Artwork by Maria
1. Philip Glass- Opening
2. Attention Deficit- Scapula
3. Enon- Shoulder
4. Bizzart- Stumbling Blocks
5. The Allstar Project- Riding the Bullet
6. Mandrill- Fencewalk
7. Sage Francis- Underground for Dummies
8. Kaddisfly- Waves (July)
9. Dulce de Leche- Valley of Death
10. Ulrich Schnauss- Stars
11. Hour of the Shipwreck- The Chandelier Suite
12. Pavement- Conduit for Sale!
13. Jeff Ramuno & the Gunslingers- Mozart Scapegoat
14. Pride of Kenya- The Wathcer
15. On Nova- The Ghost

This Weeks Featured Artists is Maria.
Visit her on Myspace | Flickr
"My favorite place to photograph is LA. I love to take long drives alone and discover new places. There is so much to see that I feel like I can do this for many years to come. Even thought I would love to travel and see the world, I don't feel that you have to drive very far to find an amazing spot. I want to learn all I can about where I am from."

About Me

Welcome to The Musical Brochure, A place where you can check out what's going on in my weird mind when it comes to music, art, love and poetry. album reviews, social thoughts, upcoming events, and other obscured and random comments will be up on my blog. Also, I will be creating what i call the musical brochure volumes, each first monday of the month i'll be putting out a zip file that will contain a mix playlist of music so people can download. Also i'm looking for local artist that can create the artwork for the playlist you will be featured on my blog and myspace and links will be provided to your work and contact information, maybe i can find you some networks. Lastly, I want to support local music, art and activism anything that can better our society mentally. If you are a band and want to be featured on the monthly playlist or be promoted on the blog. contact me at or on myspace. my ultimate goal is to create an online radio station based entirely on independent music from around the world, locally and unlocally acts that deserve the recognition it deserve.

Monday, May 12, 2008

BATTLES (i'm an architect and here's my prison)

The diamond that was stolen held the code that melted water into letters spelling where it had been taken to. In fact, I had a vision of the numbers corresponding with the letter T-H-E-D-I-A-M-O-N-D

"I think it would be next to impossible to be less than amazed by the musical qualities exhibted by BATTLES. Their music is legendary when you listen to it and differs from the lyrics when you read it. Very few artists can claim such talent and BATTLES definitely falls into the category. The lyrics seem quite metaphorical and deep, and seem to signal a struggle or fight within an individual leaning opposite of the optimism. Whatever the meaning, the lyrics show a complicated thought process that cohesively builds the lyrics and vocals as Mike Patton does with Fantomas using less the vocal as a mainstream instrument, by as staccatos and tones that are musically cohesive with the rhythms of the other instruments in the song." 

This whole band highlights creativity in general. Promising band for the future, and the best thing about this band is that every song on Mirrored challenges the last one.

Check out BATTLES on Myspace
Check out the video for BATTLES- Atlas on YouTube
Buy BATTLES- Mirrored on Amazon


Anonymous said...

Hey, I wanted to email you, but your email address isn't available on your profile. How do I contact you?

themusicalbrochure said...
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themusicalbrochure said... =)